BP’s New Campaign: Just Hot Air?

For PR pundits everywhere, especially those with outlets to spread their musings, BP is the gift that keeps on giving. This blogger has written three posts on the beleaguered company thus far, and with every new day, a potentially bloggable wrinkle emerges around company’s efforts to manage this most unnatural disaster, and its own reputation.I…… Continue reading BP’s New Campaign: Just Hot Air?

The Wiz

The Wall Street Journal’s ad reporter Suzanne Vranica today raised a relatively overlooked, but not unimportant dimension of Michael Jackson’s multi-dimensional life. In so doing, she brought back some good memories.My first brush with the child star happened by phone. It was shortly after “The Wiz” had shuttered on Broadway and just before the show’s…… Continue reading The Wiz

Shoe Circus

I suppose it was the news of Apple passing Google in market cap that prompted Newsweek to take a less-than flattering look at the perennially cool Cupertino company: “In fact, Apple has started looking like what Microsoft was 10 years ago—a company that so controls certain market segments that smaller competitors can survive only by…… Continue reading Shoe Circus

Reg FD for Junior Mints

Junior Mints, Drake’s Coffee Cake, jujubes, Bosco (!)… You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?Yesterday, the FCC agreed to re-evaluate how TV programmers inform their viewers of the paid product placements that surreptitiously appear in scripted fare.It’s one thing for Seinfeld to drop the names of his favorite cult snacks — without a pay-off…… Continue reading Reg FD for Junior Mints


Yes, I know it’s out of vogue to admit being a member of gen boomer. But considering that The Police and Genesis were the two top grossing performers in 2007, and Clapton, The Eagles, The Stones, and the Moody Blues all drew SRO crowds, who’s to say what’s in or out of vogue? But I…… Continue reading McTwitter

Twittering for Dollars

His motivation?A) Writer’s blockB) Digital disenchantmentC) Money worriesD) A PR ploy to regain media spotlightTo hear Rocketboom co-founder Andrew Baron explain his decision to sell his Twitter account (and his 1400+ followers) to the highest eBay bidder, one would think the answer is a combination of A and B.”Every time I would go to Twitter,…… Continue reading Twittering for Dollars

Huckabee’s Super Bowl Whopper

Everyone knows how much incremental (earned?) media those expensive Super Bowl or Oscar spots generate for those betting their ad budgets on these telecasts. At $2.7 mill for a 30-second Super Bowl spot, we should hope so! (BTW, Fox says its inventory is almost sold out.)Many marketers no doubt count on that PR pop to…… Continue reading Huckabee’s Super Bowl Whopper

Goodbye Mr. Peanut, Hello Mahmoud

It’s no secret that the brave new world of 2.0 is awash with myriad conferences and industry gatherings covering just about any subject that could hold sway with one’s imagination. But guess which industries have the most to gain (or lose) from these social media-fueled confabs? Right. Advertising and PR.With that said, New York City’s…… Continue reading Goodbye Mr. Peanut, Hello Mahmoud

Do It Wrong Quickly

Social Media Collective member Robin Carey pinged the socially conscious group today to announce Amazon pre-orders of Brian Solis’s new, fun-titled book “Now is Gone,” in which the Valley PR man: “…explores how New Media (and Social Media) are forcing the evolution of PR through a rich set of meaningful interviews, case studies, and comprehensive…… Continue reading Do It Wrong Quickly