Omnicom-Publicis: A PR Scorecard

Now that the dust has settled from the biggest ad industry merger announcement ever, let’s take a moment to reflect on the net takeaway from the news. First, I should say that the announcement, IMHO, was mischaracterized. It was universally described as the creation of the world’s biggest advertising company, when in fact, both Omnicom…… Continue reading Omnicom-Publicis: A PR Scorecard

PRSA Keynoters: Tim and Karen

I am a huge Tim Russert fan. The “Meet the Press” host, and arguably the Beltway’s most influential journalist, addressed the throngs attending the PRSA Conference in Philly this morning. He cogently and buoyantly walked the crowd through the windy political road that started with the Supreme Court crowning of George W. Bush as POTUS…… Continue reading PRSA Keynoters: Tim and Karen

What Me Worry

My wife and I recently had dinner with a friend who’s one of the nation’s top real estate executives. In addition to consulting, she’s taught her professional calling at Harvard Business School, Columbia, Yale, etc. Anyway, during the course of the conversation, she named Brazil,China and Russia as the markets experiencing the biggest real estate…… Continue reading What Me Worry