Your Weekend Viewing

iOS Magic

Not sure how he does this, but here’s an i-Opener as seen on stage at TED.

Arrington Animated

You know you’ve arrived when you become the subject of a Taiwanese animated spoof.  As if we didn’t hear enough last week about the trials and tribulations of Arrington, Armstrong and Arianna, including a post from this blogger, here’s one more take.

Marty McFly Shoes (x2)

Talk about retro marketing! Here are a couple of video clips from Nike harkening back to the 1989 film “Back to the Future” and its news of the new Nike MAG Marty McFly shoe. The shoe may be retro, but the marketing is anything but — with 2.1 MILLION and 1.45 Million views on YouTube and counting. (via mashable)


Mario: Locked & Loaded

Mashable’s Ben Parr tips us off to a variation of Mario in which the iconic video game’s namesake comes loaded.   (Super Mario Bros. + Portal via Hacker News)

World’s Scariest Wave in Slo-Mo

No, surfriders, this is not from last week’s Quiksilver Pro Surfing event in Long Beach (L.I.), NY (of all places!). Think Tahiti. (via Gizmodo, HT @john_frankel)

Brain Cramps via Car Cam

Enjoyed watching Mark Schaefer wax poetic and extemporaneously on an infliction called brain cramping to which he attributes many of the ill-conceived marketing overtures that he (and many of us) receive from those who are paid to do such things.  (HT Steve Farnsworth)


Twitter Goes Commercial

News this week from the inimitable Paul Holmes that Twitter has hired its first PR firm (for an initial project) after a competitive shootout.  In other Twitter marketing news, AdWeek’s AdFreak blog shares Twitter’s first TV commercial, asking why it has to be so crappy.  Oh well. I’m sure Edelman will do a better job.

Newspapers: 9/11/01 and 9/11/11

Finally, as America commemorates the 10th anniversary of that tragic day in lower Manhattan, Washington DC and Shanksville, PA, the Albany Times-Union released a short video describing the challenges putting together its newspaper on September 12, 2001. Separately, The New York Times this week crowdsourced an interactive map in which anyone can pinpoint where they were at that fateful hour and offer comments. (I was watching the towers burn from my office window facing south from the 12th floor on 19th Street & Park Avenue South.) The Times’s social media maven Liz Heron reports that almost 40,000 people have contributed thus far.