A Million Little (Faded) Memories

Jeff Leeds of The Times today poses the question on everyone’s mind (well, maybe not everyone’s). Can brand Britney rebound from her self-inflicted career meltdown?

As I pondered this lofty question, I stumbled on a short piece involving yet another once seemingly doomed-to-oblivion celebrity.

The Oprah-diss-graced non-fiction fiction writer James Frey (pictured) has a new tome on the horizon, and it’s the object of passionate pursuit by prominent publishers. We learn today that Mr. Frey’s new agent — from the powerhouse firm of Janklow & Nesbitt (that’s Morty and Lynn among the literary cognascenti) — cut an exclusive deal with Harper Collins.

Now I’m sure the book is not some masterpiece, but the author does have one vital ingredient for which others would give up their MacBook Pros: notoriety. Not just any notoriety, but the kind that begets “mediability” on a global scale. The bottom line is that Mr. Frey is instantly and eminently publicizable. From his new publisher:

“…Mr. Frey was a ‘media lightning rod…my opinion about James Frey and whatever he did is beside the point.'”

Time, and a fickle public, have amazing healing powers. So, as I ponder the fate of one dazed and fallen pop star on the eve of her first album release in four years, I predict that Newton’s law (e.g., “every action…”) may just prevail. The media forces of nature will permit Ms. Spears to surprise all of today’s naysayers to rise again. Right, Mariah?

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