Scientologists everywhere rejoice! In exchange for virtually unfettered access, “Access Hollywood” gave mega star Tom Cruise a 30-minute infomercial last night for the controversial cult. The Church’s phones and offices this morning no doubt are besieged with inquiries about how to sign up.
Yes, full “Access” interviewer Billy Bush included a couple of obligatory criticisms of the Cruise-annointed “religion” started by L. Ron Hubbard (whose very existence is a mystery), but any way you cut it, Tom had a free ride. The sad fact is that most journalists today will demur in exchange for access to epic celebrities and top newsmakers.
Now, you ask, why the picture from “A Few Good Men?” I was thinking that with all the U.S Army’s problems meeting its recruitment numbers, having someone like Mr. Cruise touting its attributes unchallenged on national TV could help. Oops. I forgot about the Army’s most recent celebrity poster child – NFL star Pat Tillman. That certainly didn’t work out.