Peter Himler

ET & The Insider

I watched ET and The Insider this evening. Could Paris Hilton have gotten any more play? There were no less than three segments on her including her new movie, her new dog, her first nude scene, her armed bodyguards, her wrong turn in her Ferrari, and her new tattooed boyfriend (son of the 54th richest

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PR Impotence?

Much has been written about the fragmentation of the news media, and how it has diluted the political, societal and economic clout once weld by the major news organizations. Would the publication of the Pentagon Papers today have caused the same stir it caused 35 years ago? The answer is a resounding No! Frankly, a

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Macauley – Oh My

OK So you’re Macauley Culkin’s PR rep. Macauley has confided in you that as a child he was in fact touched inappropriately by King Michael. Should he come clean or continue to deny all such involvement with Jackson? Won’t the allegations in and of themselves accelerate his already fading career? Or does his sudden explosion

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Jennings News

Peter Jennings did the right thing by not waiting to reveal the news that he has lung cancer. The question now, of course, is whether the cancer has been discovered at a stage that will respond to chemotherapy. If not, will viewers of ABC “World News Tonight” be witness to a prolonged and profound portrayal

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Why The Flack?

The term “flack” is a pejorative in public relations circles, yet this is often how journalists describe PR professionals. Personally I am not a big fan of this tag, but it is what it is. By sharing best practices and exposing ethical lapses, it is my hope that “the flack” will follow “the hack” into

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