
Since the blogosphere is often a giant echo chamber, it’s only polite to give credit where credit is due. So Guy Kawasaki, thank you for tweeting a link to your Truemors post that in turn linked to YabBlog’s (inspiring) face-outing of those behind some of today’s biggest blogs.

I thought it would be good weekend fun to now play the match game. So here we go. Match the names of these random A-list bloggers with their pictures and blogs below. (I’ve filled in one to get you going). UPDATE: Match-ups posted below.

a)Michael Arrington b)Pete Cashmore c)Mark Cuban d)Ken Fisher e)Mark Frauenfelder f)Saul Hansell g)Arianna Huffington h)Marshall Kirkpatrick i)Jeff Jarvis j)Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr. k)Om Malik l)Michelle Malkin m)Josh Micah Marshall n)Markos Moulitsas Zúniga o)Peter Rojas p)Robert Scoble q)Lockhart Steele r)Gina Trapani.

1 2 3
5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18

Lifehacker __15r__
TechCrunch __2a__
Gizmodo __6o__
Mashable _18b___
Scobleizer _10p___
ReadWriteWeb __8h__
Huffington Post _5g___
Giga Om __13k__
Daily Kos _1n___
Talking Points Memo _4m___
Perez Hilton _7j___
Boing Boing _3e___
Ars Technica _16d___
Blog Maverick _14c___
Curbed _17q___
Bits __11f__
MichelleMalkin __9l__
Buzz Machine __12i__

***Don’t forget to visit Mashable’s Open Web Awards honoring “major innovations in web technology.” Nominations close Sunday evening. Click on link at left.