Canada Wired

Trolling through the various newsfeeds and my RSS reader this morning, I was looking for something to post to this blog before heading in to the city. Should it be the re-vamp of The Times website? What about Al Jazeera taking aim at CNN and Fox with a U.S. cable news entry? Maybe Peter Johnson of USA Today’s take on the separation of news and opinion, which in turn, was prompted by a Michael Kinsley piece in Slate? Nah. I already wrote about this.

Voila. In comes an e-mail from a PR acquaintance in Arizona named Thom Brodeur. (I never quite figured out whether he’s part of the high tech agency that bears his name.) Anyway, Thom wanted me to know that his client Market Wire has been acquired by a Canadian wire service called CCN/Matthews. Why me? Because, he reasoned, MarketWire “is the third largest newswire in the business, and is one you’ve been following closely.”

Sure, perhaps too closely. I’ve posted several items on how some of the paid wire services, Market Wire among them, have been exploited, if not party to, insidious e-mail scammers who use their releases to pump up penny stocks. I called it spamwire, and wondered whether these wires are aware of the practice and bare any responsibility for its proliferation. I guess in Market Wire’s case, it’s Canada’s problem now. Thom, please wish Jim McGovern well, and thanks for the tip.

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