Let Us Now Pay for Famous Men

I enjoyed reading Brian Stelter’s piece over the weekend in which he catalogued the one-episode wonders of the modern television age. The shows ranged from Jackie Gleason’s “You’re in the Picture” to “Secret Talents of the Stars.” Their shared recipe for instant failure? No one watched them.So what are broadcasters to do in an age…… Continue reading Let Us Now Pay for Famous Men

Ground Rules

You may not believe it, but most reporters at the leading news organizations take their trade very seriously. So much so that any hint of taint in their journalistic pursuits raises all kinds of red flags within their news organizations.And these days, with no paucity of pundits, the prospect of getting red flagged for a…… Continue reading Ground Rules

Newser Snoozer

A while back, I wrote about the virtues of my home page: MSNBC.com. The site drew its content from all sorts of credible journalistic enterprises, mixed in with original reporting and lots of video, and had the wherewithal to continually update the page throughout the day.Isn’t that the Utopian news model that Jon Landman described…… Continue reading Newser Snoozer

PR Pressure at the Pentagon

Politico’s Mike Allen reported yesterday that the Pentagon will hire ABC-TV News reporter Geoff Morrell, 38, in a public relations capacity. “The official said that a working journalist was chosen by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates in an effort to improve press relations at a time when the administration is under pressure to show progress…… Continue reading PR Pressure at the Pentagon