Friday’s Video Views

Like + Follow = ?This week, Twitter introduced its “follow” button, which is not dissimilar to Facebook’s “like” button, and a cousin to Google’s “+1” button. Geesh I’m confused. Here’s a look at Google +1. H/T HuffPost TechGMail RapportSince we’re talking Google, here’s a GMail plug-in called Rapportive whose upgrade in recent weeks set the…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

Planet PR Campaign

Why should he run for President? The man’s won an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Nobel Peace Prize for goodness sake. What’s more: all came his way without the extreme angst and unrelenting attacks that accompany a Presidential run.With those auspicious accolades under his belt, Al Gore now plans to shift into high gear to…… Continue reading Planet PR Campaign

Orange Not Green

I used to do some PR/community relations work for Home Depot. The work entailed helping the pioneering big box retailer gain a bigger presence in the New York market. As expected, area mom & pop hardware stores feared for their very survival.We were charged to provide all relevant parties with historical data on the true…… Continue reading Orange Not Green

Food for Sport

Libby commuted. Son of Gore arrested. Al Zawahri’s 90-minute lunatic rant. Hamas’s PR ploy. Three barges of fireworks over Manhattan.Phooey!It was that Belushi-inspired gorge-fest in Brooklyn that usurped all other newsmaking wannabes on the 4th of July.Everywhere we turned, the mellifluous-sounding names of Joey Chestnut and Kobayashi succeeded in capturing the collective consciousness — not…… Continue reading Food for Sport