Google: We Try Harder (than Apple)

Top Tech Companies by Media Coverage 6/09-6/10I’ve been thinking a lot about Google lately. I mean who in our digitally expanded line of work doesn’t have Google constantly on the brain?It’s simply hard to escape a company that’s a newsmaking machine. Other than Apple, can you name another tech company whose machinations have created as…… Continue reading Google: We Try Harder (than Apple)

Jobs Speaks, People Listen

Here we are again: back to Apple. Tell me: don’t all digital roads eventually lead back to Apple? Well, from a PR perspective, actually not. The proprietor of this blog has allocated a decent share of space to the PR peccadilloes of Cupertino’s (and the world’s) most famous company.Many of my previous Apple-related posts have…… Continue reading Jobs Speaks, People Listen

Extreme Mac Makeover

Several months ago, the buzz surrounding the Mac O/S was palpable. Just talk to any Apple retail store salesperson (or ponder store sales of $4500 per sq-ft. – five times that of Best Buy).This blogger inched out on a limb in October to predict that Apple’s computers would set company sales records in Q4 ’07.…… Continue reading Extreme Mac Makeover

Media Control

Rather than properly preparing their executive to deal with the most expected of questions, the Starbucks-fueled Apple PR staff swarms on the unassuming British TV reporter, with cameras still rolling, to demand a journalistic detour under the snarky threat of postponing the interview altogether, e.g., “we’re very busy today.”The folks at Gizmodo titled their video…… Continue reading Media Control


A cursory glance at what some top tech industry analysts are saying about Apple’s new Leopard operating system indicates an evolutionary, not revolutionary boost to the Mac, the computer industry’s biggest market share gainer.Apple’s venerable product line may no longer have the same brand cache as its “i” siblings, but make no mistake: Mac sales…… Continue reading Leopard

The Best Job in Marketing?

Alice Cuneo, writing for, reveals for her readers the winner of “the best job in marketing.” What would you guess? — The Academy Awards and all those now-taxable goody bags filled with sponsored bling.– The Masters, the venerable golf tournament that happens to be held at a restricted country club. No problem. Just drop…… Continue reading The Best Job in Marketing?