Storytelling & Other PR Schemes

I’m prepping for two sessions at next weekend’s PRSA International Conference in San Francisco. The first will consist of a conversation with three in-house social/tech PR pros from: Facebook, Skype (Microsoft-owned) and Twitter.The idea grew out of a similar session held last spring in New York as part of PRSA’s Digital Impact Conference. That panel featured…… Continue reading Storytelling & Other PR Schemes

Green with Twitter Envy

Is it cool to leverage an unfolding human tragedy to promote one’s product or service? That’s the question a Valleywag reporter posed in his “Flackery” column late yesterday.Apparently, an Israeli-based mobile communications platform that links SMS, IM and Twitter into one seamless interconnected content-sharing app called fring is publicizing its use by the Persian protesters…… Continue reading Green with Twitter Envy

Caught with My Head in the Cloud

Here’s how last Thursday started for me (via Twitter):PeterHimler Gmail is like so misbehaving right now!11:05 AM May 14th from Power TwitterPeterHimler I’m wondering today what’s worse: a cyber-terrorist attack or a Google tool fail?11:26 AM May 14th from Power Twitter This was the paralysis that I (and millions of others) felt when Google’s productivity…… Continue reading Caught with My Head in the Cloud

Stress Reduction

The lead op-ed in today’s New York Times features U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner explaining in his own words the rationale and machinations behind the bank stress tests whose results will pop big time later today.Already, the Treasury Dept. selectively leaked some of the test’s more tantalizing tidbits in an effort to temper the anticipated…… Continue reading Stress Reduction