There are so many edifying and entertaining video clips on the Web for PR pros that I thought I’d post a few for your weekend viewing. The first went viral yesterday, fueled in part by a tweeted link from one Michael Arrington (@arrington) — no stranger to the subject in question.The host of the second…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views
Category: embargoes
Embargoes Crunched, except if you’re…
I never liked embargoes. Sure, in a different age when there were but a handful of authoritative media in a given industry sector, the ability to work with each of them on an embargoed basis made sense — or at least was manageable as long as you were upfront about it.Today, with a myriad media…… Continue reading Embargoes Crunched, except if you’re…
Embargo This
Nowhere is the demand for exclusives stronger than among the handful of media that control the fates of the latest and greatest personal tech products. From Pogue and Mossberg to Gizmodo, CrunchGear, Engadget, Mashable, and of course, the elephant in the early adopter room, TechCrunch.All invariably ask to be the first to break the new…… Continue reading Embargo This