Chris Brogan may regret turning over his online real estate to guest blogger Dennis Howlett, a fellow Social Media Today contributor, who used the opportunity to rant on most things Web 2.0.His post “Web 2.0- Was it Ever Alive?” calls into question the lofty prognostications on the value that “social media” (a term Howlett abhors)…… Continue reading A Web 2.0 Social Media Meme
Category: enterprise
The In Crowd
We Are Smarter Than Me is a book project with which I’ve been involved professionally for much of the last year. It’s not just any book, but the first to look at how companies have successfuly deployed collaborative and social networking technologies and architectures across their enterprises, and we’re not just talking consumer marketing.More significantly,…… Continue reading The In Crowd
On the shuttle back to the hotel from the Bellagio last night, I eavesdropped a conversation in which a marketing manager at IBM talked effusively about an online business community called iSociety. Since I fell short of making it into high society, this sounded like a worthwhile endeavor to explore.I’m at the Community 2.0 Conference…… Continue reading iSociety
The Business Social
Social networks are everywhere. Just consider the amount of media attention they’re commanding. It seems that just about every consumer marketer has plans to digitally embrace and engage their demographically distinct consumer.More recently, however, we’re beginning to hear more about businesses getting their feet wet with online communities and socially networked environments. Some hope to…… Continue reading The Business Social