Some of this blog’s followers have commented on how much they’ve enjoyed the once-regular feature “Your Weekend Viewing,” a curated collection of cool and useful videos posted here at week’s end. Unfortunately, Flatiron’s client obligations and the emergence of another outlet for this blogger’s musings have sidetracked the capture and sharing of these video views…… Continue reading Social Media on Steroids [Video]
Category: Gmail
Your Weekend Viewing
Gmail InterventionThe inimitable Ben Parr of Mashable brings our attention to Gmail’s retro video encouraging viewers to stage “an email intervention.” I mean we all have friends who languish on AOL, Yahoo! and even HotMail. While it probably doesn’t mean much to my wife and her friends, the digerati clearly are bothered by the continued…… Continue reading Your Weekend Viewing
Friday’s Video Views
Brian Solis Talks Old and New Media I don’t entirely subscribe to the notion that traditional media is somehow irrelevant. After all, doesn’t the Twittersphere light up with RT fever when The Times or one of journalism’s mainstays posts a well-reported story? Still, Solis is right in describing the shift that must occur within news…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views
Pitch-Optimized Gmail
As someone who’s endured more than his share of misguided PR pitches,e.g., think inane dot-com come-ons, The New York Times’s intrepid NY-based tech reporter and “Bits” blogger Saul Hansell definitely deserves a medal for his fortitude.It’s a wonder to me that he still works with so many PR people, let alone has the time to…… Continue reading Pitch-Optimized Gmail
Matt, Say It Ain’t So!
So here’s a certifiable techno geek-turned-journalist named Matt Haughey doing his best imitation of Chris Anderson.Instead of blackballing misguided PR types by name, he’s deployed Gmail’s filters to eliminate whole domains from his e-mailbox. As a result, entire PR firms are punished for the amateurish and admittedly annoying transgressions of the few: “So for now,…… Continue reading Matt, Say It Ain’t So!