Truthiness in Digital Media

Guess what? The Internet is full of b******t and its volume is rapidly replicating – mostly unchecked. Much of the spurious info we find on the Web originates from amateur “we the media” types. However, more and more mis/disinformation is purposefully propagated by partisan entities, some with nefarious agendas. A Google search on “Martin Luther…… Continue reading Truthiness in Digital Media

The Media Cloud and Reputation

I’ve long had a theory regarding reputation, and in particular, how one’s public persona is captured, reflected and shaped by the news media over time.It goes like this: the higher one ascends, the greater the capacity for him or her to descend. Conversely, the bigger the fall, the stronger the rebound. (“Everyone loves a comeback”…… Continue reading The Media Cloud and Reputation

Doc’s World

I did get a chance to swing by the SAP offices in the West Village yesterday afternoon to hear from the likes of Cluetrain co-author Doc Searls, former Lego man Jake McKee, Forrester’s Josh Bernoff, and Technorati and Conversation Group’s (the event sponsor) Peter Hirschberg.Each had his own take on how far we’ve come on…… Continue reading Doc’s World