Roasted Baristas

It’s been three weeks since that PR stunt in which Starbucks nationwide closed at the same time for some “retraining.”Today, as an extension of the ubiquitous green-signed company’s makeover efforts, founder and chief inspiration officer Howard Schulz declared that Starbucks would “return to its roots.” According to today’s New York Times: “The initiatives are intended…… Continue reading Roasted Baristas

Getty Gobbles

We all know how much money an exclusive image of an A-lister out-of-context, or preferably out-of-control, can command from consumer-facing media.But the market value of the companies that intermediate between the shooters and the media came further into focus yesterday with news of the sale of Wire Image to GettyImages for…$200 million.The news release summed…… Continue reading Getty Gobbles

Divorce Dancing

I was with a lawyer friend last night when the subject turned to litigation PR, a most robust and lucrative PR industry practice specialty. We both agreed that lawyers and PR people are frequently at odds over what, when, how and even if, trial information should flow into the public domain.We also debated the risks/rewards…… Continue reading Divorce Dancing