Your Weekend Viewing

iPad Head Girl Yes. The title is literal and the clip is set in the “Big (iPad Parent Co.)” whose inhabitants are rarely fazed by anything. via @carr2n The Dell RepairmanWho knew that Dell even had a vlog? Here’s a late night call to one abnormally accommodating corporate IT guy. Flying Macbook AirBut will it…… Continue reading Your Weekend Viewing

Friday’s Video Views

NBC News Digital Chief Speaks “There are over a billion cameras floating around in people’s pockets around the world.” Beet.TV treats us to the perspective of Mark Lukasiewicz, VP for Specials and Digital, NBC News. Of course, this interview took place before the momentous events in Egypt this week, which showed, in spite of those…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

Friday’s Video Views

Air DroolTechCrunch’s MG Siegler and Jason Kincaid take viewers through a first tour of the Macbook Air, or as Steve Jobs put it: what resulted when the MacBook and iPad hooked up. Unlikable MediaFoursquare founder Dennis Crowley inexplicably tweeted this earlier in the week. “Hilarious?”@dens Watch this hilarious @foursquare and Bedroom Intruders @YouTube parody and…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views