Master Curators

I enjoy sharing with my Facebook friends and Twitter followers noteworthy items culled from the voluminous number that incessantly cross the screens of my iMac, MacBook and BB. In fact, the act of curation in and of itself has become a contentious topic in the context of assessing editors’ changing roles in journalism’s new digital…… Continue reading Master Curators

Four New Yorkers on Media & Technology

I had a chance to attend Digital Hollywood’s Advertising 2.0 confab these last two days — or at least two of the three keynotes that interested me. (I missed The Daily Beast’s Tina Brown.)Yesterday, Business Week’s Jon Fine took IAC’s eminently quotable CEO Barry Diller through the paces. Diller must have felt right at home.…… Continue reading Four New Yorkers on Media & Technology

Sex in the Media Fishbowl

The inimitable Jeff Bercovici, a survivor of the recent Portfolio (and Condé Nast) trim-down, today tells us about the impending piece from Michael Wolff (at right) in which the Vanity Fair contributor and founder promises to share his fatalistic fling through New York’s gossip grind, and with the New York Post in particular.The titillating…… Continue reading Sex in the Media Fishbowl

Newser Snoozer

A while back, I wrote about the virtues of my home page: The site drew its content from all sorts of credible journalistic enterprises, mixed in with original reporting and lots of video, and had the wherewithal to continually update the page throughout the day.Isn’t that the Utopian news model that Jon Landman described…… Continue reading Newser Snoozer