This week one of my clients issued a news release on one of the big paid wire services. The Google News Alert showed immediate and impressive results: Dow Jones Marketwatch, Yahoo Finance, and dozens of others including, for whatever reason, Earth Times. Yet, when searching for the story on the Marketwatch site, nothing popped. Huh?…… Continue reading The Juiced Up News Release
Category: PR Newswire
Leverage and Maximize
Not to be a curmudge or anything, but check out this news release header: Event Planners Will Learn to Leverage Public Relations to Maximize Integrated Marketing at HSMAI’s Event Technology Expo(TM) @ Affordable Meetings(R) National Yikes! The particular release was issued by the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) to tout an upcoming event…… Continue reading Leverage and Maximize
The News Release: Content or Context?
As PR types continue their obsession with the format and purpose of the modern-day news release, this resilient vehicle for allegedly breaking news continues to flourish in most industry circles. A quick scan of any 30-minute weekday block on Business Wire or PR Newswire will dispel any notion that the press release is dead.Even so,…… Continue reading The News Release: Content or Context?