Friday’s Video Views

Fallon Does Sheen As if we haven’t heard enough from America’s fastest one-million-follower man, late-nighter Jimmy Fallon not unexpectedly. got into the act. Who knew Guinness had a record for the fastest to a million? (via mashable)Test D̶r̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶ RideEyebrows raised when Google last year unveiled the first automobile to drive itself. Mashable’s Adam Ostrow,…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

Terms of Media Engagement

Rep Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)California wingnut Rep. Darrell Issa canned his PR guy today. The infraction? Sharing with a New York Times reporter emailed correspondence the press rep had with other reporters. Dumb!While the nature of the content of these emails remains unknown, the notion of letting one reporter in on another’s plans or interests remains…… Continue reading Terms of Media Engagement