Whitney Houston’s untimely demise produced all sorts of fodder for those following the machinations of the media and marketing worlds. Here’s a topline starting with a tweet from Mashable’s Pete Cashmore: @petecashmore Twitter Breaks News of Whitney Houston Death 27 Minutes Before Press RT @mashable From the Mashable write-up: “Twenty-seven minutes before mainstream media broke…… Continue reading Whitney, Twitter & SONY’s Tin Ear
Category: social TV
PR, Social Validation & The X Factor
The PR industry has come a long way from the days of measuring a campaign’s success by the number of media impressions it generates or how they might equate into an ad spend (i.e., “ad equivalency”). Truth be told: too many practitioners and client organizations still rely on these increasingly outmoded metrics.Today, the industry is…… Continue reading PR, Social Validation & The X Factor