The New York Times

Cronkite, Jackson and Kennedy

I confess. My Twitter habit is not 24/7. I have a family, clients, sleep requirements, an appetite, and frankly, a social (versus social media) life that also sustain me. Anyway, my PowerTwitter platform isn’t as functional as Tweetdeck, so many tantalizing tweets have been known to pass me by. On Friday evening, I did find […]

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Media Relations Summit All a Twitter

The last two years took the Bulldog Reporter Media Relations Summit to the Beltway and the Bay area. This year, it was the Big Apple’s turn to host the annual PR/media confab. Two Dans keynoted. I missed Mr. Rather, but I’m told he offered a sobering assessment of the current state of journalism, while Mr.

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Run From the Roses

For as long as I can remember, PR pros have bemoaned the lack of attention the newspaper-of-record has devoted to their chosen profession. Sure, Stuart periodically reports the obligatory agency acquisition announcement, executive promotion item or PR scandal. But compared to our siblings on the other side of the marketing aisle, public relations coverage in

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Inauthentic Generals

As one agency trumpets its new mantra of “authenticity,” we learn today just how deeply our government has subverted authenticity to sell its war-time policies. In a 7600-word investigative piece on page A1 of today’s New York Times, reporter Doug Barstow outlines the extent to which this administration took (fairly standard) public relations techniques and

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Echo in the New Year

Geesh. Five days away from this blog. That’s the longest absence since first starting to post some two-and-a-half years ago. My truancy, I suppose, is less a function of vacation preoccupation — yes, I did get away with my family to ski for a week — and more tied to my reluctance to become just

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The Buzz on Jessica

At first blush, it appeared that The New York Times was poised to pull an Alessandra Stanley/Katie Couric trashing of the former Jessica Sklar (aka Mrs. Jerry Seinfeld). Today’s piece opened with a list of allegations that included plagiarism, a soleful bribe of Oprah, and entrapment that resulted in Ms. Sklar landing TV’s most successful

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Michiko Unembargoed

“All Things Considered” had a segment last evening on the hyperbole and hyper-security by Potter publishers Bloomsbury and Scholastic to keep the lid on Harry until 12:01am this Saturday. The publishers’ efforts are so intense (and threatening), it begs the question, “why?” I mean if the book or even pages seeped out, does anyone really

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PR and The Public Editor

We all know that today it’s imperative to keep track of when (and how) the online conversation drifts to news (or innuendo) about a client’s brand, product and service. That said, PR people still have their work cut out for them just keeping mainstream journalists in check. If not us, on whom can one rely

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