Could it be? The powers-that-be at “The View” made Rosie O’Donnell’s co-hosts on “The View” wear earpieces on the day Ms. O’Donnell got her come-uppance?According to the Daily News’s dynamic duo of Rush & Molloy, this is exactly what the corpulent comedian claimed at Comix last night. The revelations emerged in a stand-up routine organized…… Continue reading Rosie Unleashed
Category: The View
Rosie’s Riveting Ruse
I don’t care how it was spun. Rosie was booted from “The View.” And Barbara Walters took the lead in making it happen. Sure. Ms. Walters lamely denied her complicity. And yes, Rosie sputtered through some nonsense about how contract negotiations broke down. “I wanted one year, they wanted three years, they offered two…” Gimme…… Continue reading Rosie’s Riveting Ruse