Leverage and the Filter

One would be hard-pressed today to attend a media, marketing or PR conference where social media and ground-swelled client case studies didn’t dominate the agenda.I can’t recall a time in which so many similarly themed panels abounded, and this includes the dot-com era. (Admittedly, this PR pro has presided over his share.)The proliferation of these…… Continue reading Leverage and the Filter

See-Through Lingerie

Today’s quote from former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines on his move to Conde Nast Portfolio as a contributing editor and media columnist:”There’s never been a time in which the future of journalism was more fraught than it is now.”I assume he’s alluding to the blurring of news commentary and journalism. Or maybe…… Continue reading See-Through Lingerie


Is fibbingest the antithesis of truthiness? ValleyWag ME Owen Thomas reports today that Business 2.0, on the brink of extinction (or execution, depending on how snarky you wish to be), may be revived…if only to attract an outside buyer.While working on his item, he sought comment from one of Time Inc’s PR reps, but apparently…… Continue reading Fibbingest