Dem “Message-Crafting Functions”

Senators Schumer and Reid

Following its drubbing in the 2010 midterm elections, Senate Democrats identified the culprit and now plan to nip the PRoblem in the bud. They have formed a new party organization focusing on…ta da…PR issues!

To lead this new initiative, Skin-of-his-teeth Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid anointed New York’s senior Senator Chuck Schumer who knows a thing or two about making the most of the media filter.

No Fortune Cookie in Here

Sen. Schumer’s weekly Sunday pressers are legend, and almost always succeed in filling the sleepy news hole the next day. This week, he set his sights on the Chinese, and specifically the reusable supermarket bags they produce and sell here under a green guise. Apparently, someone tipped off Sen. Schumer that the bags themselves contain dangerous levels of lead baked in. But I digress.

Back to the Senate Democrats’ announcement of a new coordinated PR initiaitive. Here’s what Harry Reid said in announcing the initiative:

“I have given serious thought to how our caucus can best address this and the many other challenges our country will face in the next two years and beyond. If I am fortunate enough to serve again as your Leader, one of my first priorities will be to strengthen our strategic operations.”

He went on to provide further justification of the effort to mend negative perceptions:

“To do so, we must better integrate our legislative and message-crafting functions into a central, coordinated nucleus managing policy, press and politics. That starts with uniting the Democratic Policy Committee and the Senate Democratic Communications Center into a joint operation.”

Ya think?! It’s about time the hapless Dems took a page from the unified Party of No to calibrate and coordinate their communications.

In thinking about the possible narratives, the obstructionist anti-American GOP certainly has provided the Dems with fodder galore to fire up their base. Still, I wonder which Democrat had the lame-brained idea to make a news proclamation about plans to start a PR campaign??? Does Senator Reid really believe that this kind of “news” will win the hearts of minds of the American people?

I suppose Beltway insiders who’ve been frustrated by President Obama’s loss of his mojo will welcome this, but that’s about it. Harry, take a page from Nike, and “just do it!” Also, you might take another page from the GOP and just don’t talk about it.


  1. While it’s always a good idea to have a consistent and united message that stems from communication between the various parties that are making decisions, a “PR committee” reinforces the notion that politicians are more concerned with image than substance. An alternative would be to hire good PR professionals, tell them the truth and allow them into meetings and possibly even take their advice once in a while.

  2. I’m sure Republicans around the country are overjoyed to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will continue to run the Democrat party. I don’t think their problem is PR. Their problem is that many Americans don’t like they direction they are carrying the country.

    The 2012 election will be here before we know it. With Pelosi & Reid at the helm the Republican party will likely have another good election cycle.

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