What would this week’s edition of Video Views be without this timely homage to the now immortalized iPhone 4 Antenna?
The iPhone Antenna Song
My buddy, Eric Schwartzman (quite the video impresario himself) captured some PR pundits’ perspectives on LeBron. (Is anyone really thinking about LeBron any more?)
LeBron Lives On
As a natural follow-up to my previous post on the much-ballyhooed Aaron Sorkin film “The Social Network” (about the social network), the full trailer for the film (October release) bowed this week. Could the movie’s website URL coincide with FB’s 500 million user milestone?
Trailer Trash?
If you’re considering a job at a mainstream media outlet, here’s how one imagines your (social) media orientation will unfold:
Mainstream Media Orientation
Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.............................................................