Friday’s Video Views

Location-Based Photo Booth

I haven’t yet heard of a digital camera with a built-in printer in this post-Polaroid era, but I bet they exist. For those who need a paper memento of your momentous meet-up, Instaprint has arrived to complement your Instagram obsession. (via Mashable)

Instaprint from BREAKFAST ny on Vimeo.


When location-based influencer (Foursquare founder) Dennis Crowley tweeted that he unsubscribed from, the team at didn’t take his unsubscription too kindly.

One Pundit to Another

Always good to find digital pundits and authors David Meerman Scott and Seth Godin chat it up. Godin talks up his first self-published book Poke the Box.

Seth Godin on his new book Poke the Box from David Meerman Scott on Vimeo

What Makes Apple Apple?

Guy Kawasaki is the author of ten books, including his latest book, Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions. For four years he evangelized Macintosh to software and hardware developers and “led the charge against world-wide domination by IBM.” Out friends over at Big Think posted this clip, which happens to coincide with the release of Apple’s iPad 2. Holy Kaw!

2 Reviewed

The product review embargo is alive and well as evidenced by the sudden preponderance of media reviews of the Apple iPad 2 on the eve before it hits retail stores. Here are two of the mediasphere’s most influential gadget guys (one with his family):

Faster Shinier Chromier

As a satisfied user of Google’s Chrome Browser, I was naturally interested to learn of its upgrade this week (via Mashable, of course)

Viagra for your Communications

The Next Web‘s Hermione Way hand-holds her interview with the founder of Meshin, who very properly purports to “bring order to your communications chaos.”

SXSW Homesick Blues

As one of the thousands headed to SxSW, I couldn’t resist posting this musical re-mix that pays homage to the ultimate Geekfest.