Trend Search
If search is your thing, you’d be hard-pressed to find two more in-the-know folks than Danny Sullivan and Matt Cutts. Here’s a clip of the two of them talking trends in search. (Hey, where’s my pal Lee Odden?) HT @kevinokeefe via Search Engine Land.
Dreams of BMW
We all know how great advertising creative can give a campaign added PR and social media legs. Apparently the folks handling ad chores for BMW have taken the German automaker’s latest creative to a new level — inside your head. Watch the ad, close your eyes, and see a BMW logo…on the inside of your eyelids. HT to Ad Age for pointing it out.
Dueling Videos: Ad Age vs. AdWeek
PR peeps have certainly endured their share of abuse over the years. The following two videos use animation to amusingly expose the hackneyed hyperbole many PR types continue to foist upon those they hope to engage. The first is from Ad Age’s David Teicher (aka @aerocles), the second from AdWeek’s Ed Mundlee. I gather those two leading trade publications have endured an inordinate share of inane PR pitches?
How to Make a Viral Video…Not
Perils to Reporter, Perils of Covering Digital Media
iPhone Aria
AllThingsD’s Peter Kafka tweeted our attention to this fun video of a guy singing about his iPhone. Via AllThingsD
Blackberry Blues
And while we’re on the subject of mobile devices, here’s a fun clip that made the rounds of the Twittersphere this week.