I’d hate to be the Facebook user that late night ascendant Jimmy Kimmel calls out in his monologue this week. But few can argue with his point. Right? Kimmel has started a movement he’s calling “National Unfriend Day.” (via mashable.)
Henry & Chris
Business Insider’s legendary founder Henry Blodget sits down (for 40 minutes) to chat up Wired Magazine‘s legendary founder Chris Anderson. The talk ranges from his robot company to his model for Free and then some.
Flexible Viewing
In his never-ending quest for the coolest new technologies, Robert Scoble (via Rackspace-sponsored Building 43) gets a look at a flexible digital monitor. At $75,000, however, don’t expect to see it in Best Buy just yet. om.
Social EQ
So much for the Fortune’s Most Admired Companies. Global PR/PA consultancy APCO partnered with The Huffington Post to create a ranking of companies based on their “Social EQ.” APCO’s digital chief Evan Kraus explains.
It’s Face Time
The Next Web introduced its readers to a cool app that makes logging in a snap. Fromn TNW: “As part of the European MoBio (mobile biometry) Project, the Manchester team has developed a demo app that can log the user into Gmail, Twitter and Facebook using just face and voice recognition. “
Logging into Twitter with your face from The Next Web on Vimeo.
Top This Lady Gaga!
The Times‘s Nick Bilton tweeted a link to this concert in Japan starring — a holographic anime star! Pay attention because Nick lives “in the future” and knows “how it works.”
Stan ‘n Ollie
Thanks Andy Beal (Marketing Pilgrim) for posting this fab remix of Laurel & Hardy dancing to The Gap Band.
Finally, for the sports-minded among you, here’s a way (or rather, many ways) to physically put the kabash on your weekend. (This video has nearly 8 million views.)
your weekend.
Great vids, especially “people are awesome”, thanks