Friday’s Video Views

Brian Solis Talks Old and New Media

I don’t entirely subscribe to the notion that traditional media is somehow irrelevant. After all, doesn’t the Twittersphere light up with RT fever when The Times or one of journalism’s mainstays posts a well-reported story? Still, Solis is right in describing the shift that must occur within news orgs for them to prosper in this new media ecosystem. It is a cultural thing. Can “top down” media inculcate their rank and file to fully engage the social graph? The jury is out.


Here’s Facebook Places explained via the DigitalBuzz blog.

Check-in, Check-out

And just when you thought Facebook’s FourSquare wannabe might have eluded the privacy police, the s**t hit the fan. Fortunately we have Peter Shankman to school us on how to avoid being “checked in” by others on Facebook’s “Places.”

Bloopers from Google (and I don’t mean Wave)

From TechCrunch TV: “Google has produced dozens of slick demo videos. From Buzz, to Chrome OS to Voice Actions, if there was a product launch, you bet Google has slapped together a two-minute walkthrough video with some nifty animation, a stark-white dimensionless backdrop and, of course, high res product images interspersed throughout.”

Google’s New Frenemy: Verizon

Yesterday, Google wowed the digital cognoscenti by bowing free calls in North America and dirt cheap calls overseas via GMail. Here’s the company’s video to promote Google’s new boffo service via the Blogger blog

Scoble’s Curatorial Powers Revealed

Robert Scoble (aka @scobleizer) talks about how he approaches online curation (via Howard Rheingold)

Penguins, butterfly

And if life gets overly complicated, catch this homemade video that caught fire last week.


There’s something about this closing video montage that surprises, delights, and inspires. From Everynone (in collaboration with WNYC’s Radiolab & NPR).

WORDS from Everynone on Vimeo.

2 thoughts on “Friday’s Video Views”

  1. The Shankman article was awesome. I’ve used the advice in it. A lot of people read that article and went..oh.
    Freaking Facebook gets us all in trouble sometimes. I read another article, I think by Shankman too but I may be wrong, about a website that has women write in and send pics of themselves. They try to gather donations to get Plastic surgery Beverly Hills. That’s another article that made me go whoa! I’m in this business why?

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