Friday’s Video Views

The Really Big Apple

A tour of the world’s largest Apple Store, newly opened in London (via @alltop)

Wanna Work at Twitter?

Ten requirements for working at Twitter (via Flavorpill)

Meet the Class Of Twitter HQ from TwitterHQ on Vimeo.

digg’s digs

digg founder Kevin Rose gives AllThingsD digital doyenne Kara Swisher a tour of his company’s digs.

Adam Curry and Tabitha Soren, where are you?

Introducing MTV’s first ever Twitter jockey (via @mashable)

Twitter Trailer Trash

First Facebook, then YouTube, and now Twitter. The film trailer trail gets longer. (via @Mashable)


In our never-ending quest to become the first to discover and share the latest and greatest apps and gadgets, we often lose site of what’s important in life. Hopefully this last video montage will help us regain our footing.