This week’s edition of Video Views features some eye-opening social media adoption stats, Scoble’s 15 Israel start-ups, Calacanis on FB privacy, words of wisdom from the PSFK Conference, and “Coco” at the Googleplex.
This first video asks (then answers): Is social media a fad? Or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? The growth of social media (via @mashable)
The Scobleizer (Robert Scoble) recently returned from a visit to the tech forward State of Israel where he anointed 15 start-up companies as ones to watch. Here’s the first – a company called 6rounds, which is what happens when you mate Chatroulette (20 million unique visitors a month) with Zynga (popular casual game producer). Look to companies like these to find new ways to addict millions of people to both video and gaming.
Clips featuring all 15 Israeli start-up are linked here (courtesy of @businessinsider, @rackspace)
Who missed the PR troubles faced by Facebook with its new, and some say, big brotherish approach to its users’ privacy. I posted on it last week pegged to Peter Rojas’s brave decision to de-activate his FB account. This was followed by the aforementioned Robert Scoble’s open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, which suggested the FB founder split his network in two, among other things. And finally, we have this message from digital influencer Jason Calacanis to Mr. Zuckerberg, which presciently pre-dated them both.
Anthropologist Grant McCracken discussed the thinking behind his latest book, Chief Culture Officer, a clarion call for the integration of culture into corporate strategy. From the recently concluded 2010 PSFK Conference in NYC.
Finally, fresh off his broadcast re-emergence on CBS News “60 Minutes,” Conan O’Brien visited Google at the Googleplex. Here’s the 48-minute exchange between Google’s VP, Engineering Vic Gundrota and the carrot-topped comedian (aka “Coco”).