As mentioned in last Friday’s post, the Web has so many entertaining and edifying videos for PR types, it would be a shame not to see some of them surface. And what better place? Here are three more, as part of an evolving weekly feature, Friday’s Video Views.
So what are the ingredients for a viral video? Rube Goldberg would be proud to see what a band of musical (and video) artists called OK Go has produced. Since its posting on Monday, the video has drawn nearly 3 million views. Of course, the endorsements and linkage by many of the Twitter elite (@pogue, @craignewmark and others) helped.
This is an oldie, but goody. For anyone who has ever worked at an ad, PR or branding agency and sat through the sometimes stultifying creative process, you will certainly relate to this video. (HT to @DavidHenderson.)
And finally, in a hand-held video shot from the audience at this week’s Financial Times’ Digital Media and Business Conference in London, New York Times Co. chairman and New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. sheds more light on the news organization’s philosophy as it weighs its options for charging readers to access its high quality journalism. More from Wired‘s Epicenter blog here.