Friday’s Video Views

What is Google in 2011?

On its blog this week, Google posted this video that attempts to capture its essence. Nicely done, I’d say.

Why I Hate Facebook

As if Facebook didn’t have the Google juggernaut breathing down its neck with its boffo launch of Google+, a PR bi-product of a potentially competitive social network surfaces those who question Facebook’s flaws. Here’s a clever clip on showing ten things we hate about Facebook.

Mad Mobile Money

IAB’s mobile chief predicts $1 billion in mobile ad sales THIS YEAR. (exclusive via Beet.TV)


After what seems like the longest gestation period of any startup I know, social music site Spotify finally arrived on our shores via invitation only. Fortunately, I was tuned in to TheNextWeb’s Twitterstream when TNW editor Zee Kane offered up a password. I signed on, registered and soon learned that I could share my iTunes’ playlists with my Facebook friends, among other things. Neat. Now the big question: which is more of a time sync: Spotify or (via The Atlantic)

For the infographics crowd, here’s a newly launched company that focuses on nothing but. (via VideoCrunch)

On A Need-to-Know Basis

Here’s a quirky (or is it edgy?) video clip of “the five things you need to know this week” (via @prnewser)

“Deathly Trailer…Not

If you haven’t heard, Harry is back for the last time on celluloid. Here’s a faux trailer remade to Rebecca Black’s “Friday:”

1 thought on “Friday’s Video Views”

  1. that’s fast of modern way of Google.
    I will wait Google launch website that can talk to us. So, we will not need to click again in the future of website. It will come true, i hope.

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