Pol Pitch Ploy


Deploying Condoleeza Rice on behalf of New York City’s no holds barred attempt to land the 2012 Olympic Games could backfire on several levels. First, The AP reports that Secretary Rice will come to New York to make the rounds of the network talk shows and appear at a downtown rally. Wouldn’t she be more effective sitting down with the BBC, CNN International and some Asian media outlets? Secondly, Ms. Rice’s presence in New York will not exactly pass peaceably. Expect protesters who will detract from the primary message of the day. And finally, but most importantly, the PR tactic to use Ms. Rice as a weapon of mass seduction may very well be viewed as manufactured – especially since the President begged off getting involved. This effort could produce the opposite effect with the IOC selection committee, which will be sensitive to the perception that it is being played or worse, politically pressured.