Ueberroth Weighs In


Poor Michael Bloomberg. (That’s a figure of speech.) Several months ago, just as the IOC Selection Committee was poised to descend upon our shores, the most hated man in New York sports revved up his PR machine to try to de-rail the linchpin of NYC’s campaign to land the Games — a new stadium on Manhattan’s west side.

Yesterday, Olympics icon Peter Ueberroth delivered a bi-partisan ultimatum: build it or they won’t come. New York Governor Pataki, whose own PR woes rival those of Mr. Dolan’s, has a real conundrum on his hands. Their names are Bruno and Silver.

What’s difficult from a PR perspective is that all of this political wrangling is playing out in the open — as it should. It’s just that those making the decision this July are watching (with bemusement, no doubt) New York City air its dirty laundry.