I suppose if Seinfeld weren’t in re-runs, this TV spot for Google Wallet’s “first customer” would be obsolete. (via TechCrunch)
And here’s @Pogue’s version of the first Google Wallet video spot:
Disrupt the World
The Next Web dispatched a couple of reporters to the TechCrunch Disrupt confab in San Francisco last week. They hit the floor for an MOS with some of the showcased startups, all of which aspire to change the world.
A Billion Served
I’m old enough to remember the sign above the golden arches: “More Than A Million Served.” Last week Mashable and others reported that Foursquare (the McDonalds of the modern era?) reached the billion (with a “B”) check-in milestone. (I think McDonalds sign now reads “Billions & Billions Served“)
A Week of Check-ins on the Path to One Billion from foursquare on Vimeo.
Lew Talks to Steve about Sean
Pretty cool assignment for Forbes reporter Steve Bertoni who had a chance to chat with the mythic Sean Parker for the magazine’s Forbes 400 issue. Here’s Forbes editor Lewis D’Vorkin asking Bertoni about the experience (after the :30 commercial).
@Scobleizer says “corporate video producers will love @vidcaster. This video demo shows why.
Talk to Me, ATM
Leave it up to MoMA to show us an ATM machine as if it were built by interaction designers. (via Technology Review)
The Winklevoss Twins Go Nuts
The lawsuit may be over, but their 15 minutes of fame lives on…I guess. (via New York Observer)