@JPZAMBETTI @LIPAnews One of your reps just told me that the online outage map is wrong. East Hampton has a sub station problem, and there are far more
@Evanswweather LIPA is not helpful with info.
@EastMeadowMom Amazed that @LIPAnews used a 30 year old disaster recovery plan. Simply. Unacceptable. #irene
@MikeSeils @LIPAnews Still havent even received a call from you guys since I reported the blackout days ago….
@SBS0311 @LIPAnews People understand this takes time, but your automated system should stop promising callbacks that never happen.
@JonMcCarthy @LIPAnews thanks for the new pole but where is the on switch??
@PeterHirdt @LIPAnews Yesterday your chart showed 74% restored in Syosset, today it shows 31%. Do you even know what you’re doing?
@Eaches Still dark. It’s sad when the cable & phone companies provide better customer service.
@hskurnik @LIPAnews Can you PLEASE look into my office building in Syosset, which remains w/o power? All neighbors have power. 575 Underhill Blvd thx!
@Evansweather @LIPANEWS Sounds like you need more than a news crew! May not be power for much of Labor Day weekend.
@Sodoom Ok all jokes aside this is beyond unacceptable. @LIPAnews is not doing enough. I don’t care about all those “numbers”. I call shenanigans!
@WellAppointedHouse Day 5 of No Power in #Bridgehampton- only 7% of residents have power. Where is LIPA? Updates? @LIPANEWS @NewYorkPost
Even WABC-TV News’ meteorologist Dr. Bill Evans gets into the act, and here’s how LIPA is dealing with him and other complainants on Twitter:
“This is LIPA’s news and info feed. It is NOT monitored 24/7 for replies.”
Geesh. The way LIPA has handled its PR is scandalous. Basically, management told every consumer-facing employee to repeat day one’s talking point that “we hope to have 90% of customers’ power back by 7pm Friday. We do not have any more information.”
It’s unfortunate, and a sign of the times, that Long Island’s leading daily newspaper Newsday — a longtime champion of the people — is back to being firewalled and thus incapable of exerting any real public pressure on the utility. The paper finally chimed in late yesterday with a piece “LIPA acknowledges communications problem” in which reporter Mark Harrington learned:
“Part of the problem, Hervey said, is that for Irene, LIPA dusted off a two-decade-old plan that called for decentralized dispatch repair operations, effectively creating 30 separate, nearly independently run repair utilities at substations.”
As this still-powerless blogger endures the incessant and annoying grinding of the Starbucks’ blender, he has come to the shocking realization that the absence of a solid line of communications between the field workers and customers is likely indicative of a much more dangerous and fundamental operational issue faced by the power company.
LIPA is simply unprepared to deal with the effects of a significant weather event, which, in our climate-changed world, is way scarier than the inconvenience of no lights and spoiled food.
Wow, that’s definately going to be something they will have to work hard to improve their online reputation because I’m sure it will definately have to suffer becuase of this outage.