Friday’s Video Views

Project CascadeSo what does my pal Michael Zimbalist and his digital cohorts really do over there in the New York Times’s R&D labs? Here’s one cool data visualization project called Project Cascade that captures how New York Times stories are shared across the web. Two videos. (via Mashable, AdWeek., others:Les Trends in Social MediaGiven…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

Live from NY: It’s Sarah Palin

Say it ain’t so, Lorne Michaels. You invented and then re-invented television’s most valuable piece of youth-oriented programming, and I hear you’re poised to betray those who’ve made it so.We all know how Tina Fey’s artful, yet scary take on one vice presidential candidate has opened America’s eyes to the real Sarah Palin, even more…… Continue reading Live from NY: It’s Sarah Palin