Your Weekend Viewing

GulpFrom BusinessInsider: “More and more companies are abandoning traditional advertising and trying to go viral. Nokia’s latest ad created by Wieden + Kennedy offers 80 seconds of the largest and perhaps the coolest stop-motion animation you’ve ever seen.  Augmented Real World Fast Company introduces us to Layar, which it says ” just took its system to…… Continue reading Your Weekend Viewing

Friday’s Video Views

Project CascadeSo what does my pal Michael Zimbalist and his digital cohorts really do over there in the New York Times’s R&D labs? Here’s one cool data visualization project called Project Cascade that captures how New York Times stories are shared across the web. Two videos. (via Mashable, AdWeek., others:Les Trends in Social MediaGiven…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views

And the Winner at SxSW is…

Unlike last year when location-based services Foursquare and Gowalla dominated the discourse coming out of SxSW, this year’s conference had way too many dimensions to declare a single company or technology as the clear winner. Some companies had great marketing and PR, but less than perfect applications. While others had mind-blowing apps, but PR and…… Continue reading And the Winner at SxSW is…

Friday’s Video Views

The Mother of All iPad 2 Reviews…NotWith speculation and counter-speculation running rampant in advance of the now-confirmed Apple presser on March 2 to intro the iPad 2, The Next Web treats us to an early review of the best-selling product line…sort of. Apple watchers apparently liked this video judging from its 1.2MM+ views so far.…… Continue reading Friday’s Video Views