Judging from the number of PR pros who attended today’s BDI conference in New York City featuring Microsoft evangelistic blogger/vlogger Robert Scoble, it’s clear that blogs’ potential impact on the profession weighs heavy on many professionals’ minds. To quote Scoble:
“word of mouth networks are far more efficient” for getting the word out, or “going super nova,” citing the front page NY Times story on Microsoft’s change in its HR policy toward gays.
“bloggers are amplifiers…”
By citing and linking to competitors, you are establishing your company’s “authority in the marketplace…everybody benefits.”
“Tell the whole story” in order to pursuade.
“I took some risk…asked for forgiveness later on.”
A company’s culture “is seen as a line in the sand.”
“Rather it is a membrane that you can push — it will snap back.” But be careful. Do not push the membrane too hard without “building a relationship network behind the scenes…so when you push the membrane, people will be there to support you.”
When Scoble told [Microsoft CEO] Steve Ballmer to “get a human face” [on the company], Ballmer “signed a dollar bill and gave it to me for coming up with the idea.”