Schiavo Lives On

I have learned over the years that the prospects of emerging unscathed at the dinner table following a pro-life v. pro-choice debate are slim. So when the subject comes up, I have a rule in my home: talk about something else!I read however with some interest the story today of Terri Schiavo’s parents visiting with…… Continue reading Schiavo Lives On

Conspicuous Consumption

Yes, I know Oprah is one of the most reverred, benevolent and social-minded celebrities in the world. One cannot underestimate how much attention and support her involvement in a humanitarian cause can bring to that cause. Still, I’m scratching my head at the over-the-top party she threw for herself this past weekend that “featured” all…… Continue reading Conspicuous Consumption

Hillary, Take Notice

He is a very viable candidate (that young man at the far right of the picture). Instant name recognition, good looks, a legal pedigree with credentials in education reform at the state level… Ed Cox will give Hill a run for her money. Yes, I know, New York leans left. Even so, Mr. Cox’s astute…… Continue reading Hillary, Take Notice

Harvard Takes Action…Finally

In a crisis, words and promises will only partially deflect the harsh media spotlight. It is decisive action by a company or institution that will put to bed a festering problem. When Harvard president Larry Summers inadvertently opened up the proverbial beehive with his gender-bending comments, it almost cost him his job. It certainly took…… Continue reading Harvard Takes Action…Finally

I Love Lara Spencer

I love Lara Spencer! I admit it. Not only is she effervescent and nice to look at, but for PR pros, her increasing ubiquity on national television is making her one of the most important, if not prolific, broadcast journalists working today. Forget Katie or even Diane, Lara is the one. Yes, I know E.T.’s…… Continue reading I Love Lara Spencer

Perelman and Dunlop

After enduring his share of bad news over the years — from the supremely nasty child custody battle to the sinking fortunes of his once-almight cosmetics giant Revlon, Ron Perelman finally received some good news today…in court. Morgan Stanley, which has enough troubles of its own, was ordered to pay Mr. Perelman $605 million for…… Continue reading Perelman and Dunlop


Martin Nisenholtz, New York Times Co. senior vice president and head of New York Times Digital, today presided over a significant announcement in the evolution of the online version of The New York Times. Come September, TimesSelect, as it is called, will debut at $49.95 annually for access to select op-ed columnists, news stories and…… Continue reading TimesSelect

Newsweek Apologizes

This story is fascinating on many levels. It comes at a time when the MSM is under increasing attack for the veracity of its reporting and the use of non-attributable sources, let alone from a vigilant Administration that prides itself on its ability to control the message. What interested me, from a PR perspective, is…… Continue reading Newsweek Apologizes

Pushy PR Person in Primetime

After making some progress in the reputation department, the practice of public relations has taken it on the chin of late. C.J. Gregg, Allison Janey’s character on NBC’s “The West Wing” was a strong role model for our industry, to the point where academia even took notice for the study of the profession. Most recently,…… Continue reading Pushy PR Person in Primetime

Malcolm in the Middle

Malcolm Glazer Tampa Bay Buccaneer owner/businessman Malcolm Glazer’s quest to buy one of the most venerable names in all of pro sports — Manchester United — has hit unprecedented resistance in the UK (and elsewhere). He may look like an Irish leprechaun (is there any other kind?), but as an American — and I believe an…… Continue reading Malcolm in the Middle