Who could forget the hoax perpetrated on Wendy’s in which a human finger was transplanted into one of the QSR’s tasty entrees? The hoaxers landed jail time for their reputational assault on the #3 burger chain.
This weekend we learn of another finger-like additive found in a Subway sandwich.
I suppose without the chain’s heavy-weighted TV campaign featuring the pudgy Jon Lovitz distorting the trademarked “Eat Fresh” slogan to sound like “Eat Flesh,” this blogger wouldn’t have lifted a finger to digitize an item on this brisk sunny Saturday in New York. But I couldn’t resist.
What’s more, the Subway chain has re-energized its brand by marketing its fare as weight-reducing and nutritious.
Here’s the brand-detractive quote from the (unauthorized) Subway worker in response to the finger find:
“‘It looked like a thick piece of fat,’ she told The Fresno Bee. ‘It doesn’t look anything human to me.'”
PR lesson learned: try not to let the counter girl talk to The Associated Press.