Valley Girl

Did you hear the news yesterday about Bravo’s plans for a reality series on Silicon Valley startups? It certainly landed with a thud in the Tweetdeck and Hootsuite Twitter streams of the digital cognoscenti. But who would have expected anything less given that Bravo is the cable net that brought us the high brow “Real Housewives” franchise?

Can you imagine? “The Real Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley,” or, as it’s simply called “Silicon Valley” produced by the real sister of the most famous entrepreneur in that very valley. Here’s how AllThingsD’s Peter Kafka led his piece:

Cue up the righteous anger, Silicon Valley. Here comes a clueless effort by a big, dumb TV channel to portray you world-changers as a bunch of vapid schemers. Even worse, it’s from a cable TV channel — the kind you crazy dreamers won’t even watch because you won’t pay to watch TV! Fail! Etc.”

And you don’t want to know what Pando Daily’s Sarah Lacy had to say.  I only hope that Randi and her team do not take their cues from other networks’ past attempts to exploitively capture the PR profession. Here’s one I found from E! Entertainment called “The Spin Crowd.” But I digress.

Following yesterday’s news from Bravo, I thought the followers of this space might enjoy reading an email I received overnight that offers a mix of the two subjects referenced above. There was no name attached, only an return address, so I don’t think I’ll reply. Here we go in all its unedited glory: 


I am an entrepreneur from Spain.

I am going to launch a disruptor company on the internet and I want to reach to all possible journalists all over the world:

– Radio journalists 
– TV Journalists 
– Magazines and newspapers journalists 
– News agencies journalists 
– Web journalists: bloggers…… 

I dont´t know which strategy follow: 

– Use a media database like vocus or cision 
– Use a wire service company like Business Wire or Market Wire 
– Use both 

I know these 12 media database companies and these 26 wire service companies, but don´t know which are the bests.

1º Business Wire
2º PrNewswire
3º MarketWire
5º CNW Group Ltd  
Best Regards

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