File this under “shameless promotion.”
In the mid-1980’s, I thought it would be a cool idea to capture on (3/4″ analog) tape the opening montages and closing credits for every TV program that presented a “placement” opportunity for our clients’ people, products and promotions. When edited, the total running time was under ten minutes.
If one were to attempt this little exercise today, the number of cable TV programs alone might fill the hard drive of a 30GB video iPod. Well, maybe not, but you get my drift.
To make matters worse, the editorial gatekeepers to these myriad cable program options don’t necessarily reside at the branded outlet. Much of what we see has been pitched and packaged by independent TV producers many of whom derive their programming ideas from PR types.
If you find yourself in New York City this Thursday (April 19), the Publicity Club of New York* will host a PR luncheon featuring some of the more prolific independent cable TV producers, including former “ET” on-air personality Robb Weller. These companies work regularly with cable nets like The Travel Channel, Food Network, Discovery Channel, We, The History Channel, Fine Living, HGTV, National Geographic TV and others.
Visit the PCNY website to register. Limited seating.
*This blogger serves as president of PCNY.