An Angry White House Press Corps

Over the weekend, I heard a segment on NPR’s “On the Media” in which co-host Bob Garfield explored the Obama Administration’s direct-to-constituent, earned and “owned” media strategies.The piece was filled with several mainstream journalists from the White House press pool complaining about their lack of access. The piece was aptly titled “Frustration in the White…… Continue reading An Angry White House Press Corps

What Ailes America

“The true opposition in Britain is the people that are pushed to the ground and beaten on London streets and slain and yet no one hears their voice.” — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. AhmadinejadThis is the incredulous quote from the terrorist-supporting despot who oppresses his own people and is the inspiration behind Syria’s current deadly…… Continue reading What Ailes America


“I’m really perplexed. It’s unbelievable,” said [B-M’s] Karen Hughes, Mr. Bush’s White House counselor. “They’ve taken his greatest political asset — his gifts as a communicator — and totally diluted them. It’s been especially notable in the last couple weeks.” “It’s a risk of overexposure,” said Joe Trippi, a political consultant. “If you use it…… Continue reading POTUS PR

Soothing News

Public relations is the greatest business. Like AIG, it permeates all facets of our lives — from the pernicious presidential campaign to the colossal collapses on Wall Street, or a combination thereof.Isn’t it about time that we catch a break from all these anxiety-producing headlines? Sports certainly soothes. Wasn’t that Eagles-Cowboys game awesome last night?For…… Continue reading Soothing News