
Podcasts for PR Peeps

It’s no secret that podcasting, once left for dead, has a new lease on life now that our mobile devices serve as the primary vehicles through which we acquire news and information. One NYU student writer recently extolled the podcast as “the future of journalism.” The buzzworthy “Missing Richard Simmons,” Buzzfeed’s “Another Round,” and the #1-rated “S-Town” […]

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Newspapers’ Waning Clout in Scalia Battle

As our impossibly divided nation chooses sides in the battle over whether President Obama has the Constitutional right to nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia (hint: he does), more bad news keeps coming about the future sustainability of newspapers: Gannett’s revenue falls on continued declines in advertising sales and circulation — Wall Street

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Russia Hacking The News

Anyone who follows the machinations of today’s news and social media ecosystems will no doubt recognize the danger to society when factually inaccurate stories catch fire and influence public opinion. We saw this following the Boston Marathon bombings and many other instances when legit, but impulsive journalists share unverified news with their social followers. The Online

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I Hate The Term Media

Facebook co-founder and publisher/editor-in-chief of The New Republic Chris Hughes proclaimed his distaste for the term “media” on the I Want Media-sponsored “Future of Media” panel held today in Cooper Square as part of Internet Week New York. Given the many flavors, formats and deliver mechanisms the “media” comes in nowadays, I don’t blame Mr.

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