Conference Cornucopia

Who missed David Pogue and Steven Levy’s gushing coverage of the TED Conference in Monterey the week before last? Talk about a hot ticket!Then there was January’s Always On Confab in New York, and its sibling AO Hollywood skedded for the first week of May. I just attended the first Community 2.0 Conference in Vegas,…… Continue reading Conference Cornucopia

Community Organizers

Both Barry Libert and Francois Gossieaux (pictured left and right) were pleased by the turnout and enthusiasm for the inaugural Community 2.0 Conference held here in Las Vegas since Sunday.Barry, the CEO of Shared Insights, which organized the conference, and Francois, the founder of Corante and chairman of C20, shared their impressions of why online…… Continue reading Community Organizers


On the shuttle back to the hotel from the Bellagio last night, I eavesdropped a conversation in which a marketing manager at IBM talked effusively about an online business community called iSociety. Since I fell short of making it into high society, this sounded like a worthwhile endeavor to explore.I’m at the Community 2.0 Conference…… Continue reading iSociety

The Business Social

Social networks are everywhere. Just consider the amount of media attention they’re commanding. It seems that just about every consumer marketer has plans to digitally embrace and engage their demographically distinct consumer.More recently, however, we’re beginning to hear more about businesses getting their feet wet with online communities and socially networked environments. Some hope to…… Continue reading The Business Social