I was able to swing by PR Week’s annual NEXT Conference yesterday held at the Sheraton New York Hotel where I grabbed some sound from the publication’s UK-transplanted new editor Steve Barrett. I asked him about the differences between the PR industry here and across the pond. He basically said that social media is more…… Continue reading PR Week NEXT


Must be the season for PR conferences. Yesterday I attended PRWeek’s Next Conference at New York’s Waldorf Astoria and was glad to see yet another great turn-out.This followed our PCNY media event this week, which sold out, the PRSA Int’l Conference, which drew thousands, and the Council of PR Firms’ Critical Issues Forum that also…… Continue reading #PRWeekNext

PR Week’s NEXT Conference

I had a chance to spend the morning at NYC’s Waldorf Astoria’s Starlight Roof. No. It wasn’t a wedding, bar mitzvah or even a debutante ball. Rather, our industry’s leading weekly magazine gathered PR’s movers and shakers for a look at What’s Next.The PR Week NEXT Conference, in celebration of the glossy’s 10th anniversary, commenced…… Continue reading PR Week’s NEXT Conference

Call Any Vegetable

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Battle of the Social Nets

Lisa and Julia, you gotta appreciate Keith O’Brien. Here we are in the slowest (and hottest) month of the year, and this former tech reporter now editor-in-chief of our industry’s leading weekly conceives this idea for a PR Blog-Off. “As part of its 10th anniversary celebration, PRWeek is honoring one of the most important technological…… Continue reading Battle of the Social Nets

Gawker Reporter-in-Training

In his post today, PR Newser’s Joe Ciarallo called out the PR blogosphere in an attempt to draw it into the imbroglio between Gawker and Edelman over something the snark blog’s newest reporter (direct from PR Week) Hamilton Nolan (pictured), posted this week.The offending post was precipitated by an unnamed marketing executive, and regurgitated by…… Continue reading Gawker Reporter-in-Training

Alumni Network

PR Newser reported yesterday that Hamilton Nolan has ankled our industry’s leading weekly trade publication for the edgier pastures of Good for him. In fact, as I thought about it, PR Week has a string of alumni who’ve springboarded to other notable editorial callings.Ad Age’s Matt Creamer, who profiled Richard Edelman this week in…… Continue reading Alumni Network